From personal frustration to pioneering the home salon category
I believe that beauty routines should be simple, fun, and free from unnecessary hassle. Looking great shouldn’t feel like a chore, and that belief is the driving force behind ANSWR. It all started with the keratin treatment. My first one done at the salon left me amazed by the results but shocked by the price tag. It was clear that countless women faced the same struggle. This drove me to create ANSWR - a home salon brand built on making salon-level beauty solutions simple, affordable, and accessible from home. Our mission is to deliver hassle-free, at-home solutions that offer professional results without the hefty price tag. Hearing how our products have transformed beauty routines for so many is a constant reminder of why I started this journey.
Georgiana Grudinschi
Founder of ANSWR

We are all in constant search of beauty solutions to boost our confidence. But why rely solely on experts when you know what works best for you? We’re here to challenge the “experts-only” mindset. As a home salon beauty brand, our mission is to empower everyone to take control of their beauty routines. Since 2019, we’ve been creating at-home alternatives for popular salon treatments, services, and products. With us, beauty is simplified, norms are disrupted, and everyone can become their own best beauty expert.